Monday, October 7, 2013

One Sock Down, One to Go

I am a very slow knitter, so unfortunately, even socks take me a very long time.  I started this one in the Spring, and as it's Fall and I've only got one finished, I suppose I can confidently say that I'll have a new pair of socks next year. 

Okay, so I'm probably exaggerating.  Truth is, I don't knit much in the summer (and who is surprised by that?) so projects started in the Spring seem to take forever.  I get discouraged and feel like they'll never get done.  I blame them for everything that's wrong with my wardrobe.  Sometimes I even throw them in the back of the closet in disgust and forget about them.  Hmmmm. Maybe I should stop starting knitting projects in the Spring...

Anyway.  These are made from a luxurious bamboo/merino blend, soft and springy and downright decadent. The yarn has such a pretty sheen and I like the way the colors look against each other.  I've had the yarn for several years, since I bought it on sale without any kind of plan for it's disposition. 

I'm using a very simple pattern, though I don't remember what it's called.  It's a four row repeat. Row 1 : k2, p2; Row 2: k2, p2; Row 3: p2, k2; Row 4: p2, k2.  Can't really get much simpler than that.

I do really hope to get the second one done before Christmas.  I have this idea that I might graduate to sweaters or something before too much longer.  I've been making small items for a good 20 years now and it seems like it's time to branch out and try something a little more challenging.  And my husband could use a nice, handmade sweater since RTWs don't really fit him all that well.

Anybody have any nice men's sweater patterns (for knitting)  that they'd like to recommend.  I'm all ears...errr....eyes...well, you get the idea.


  1. Snap! I'm also knitting socks, I'm desperately hoping to finish them this month. Ribbed socks are good for staying up but so slow to knit. Have you tried knitting two together with circular needles. I don't find it any quicker but you do complete them both together. There isn that Ive finished one now Ive got to start another feeling.

  2. I knit them one at a time with circular needles, though I started long ago with dpn's and I think I like them better. I did knit both socks on a circular once, but I kept getting all tangled up -- especially using more than one color. I did eventually finish them and they turned out nice, but I felt like I spent so much time untangling the mess that it wasn't worth it. Part of that might be the way I knit -- usually just 30 minutes here, 15 minutes there -- I almost never sit down and knit for several hours put together.
