Friday, October 11, 2013

Silk Ribbon Embroidered Flowers

You know, I'd probably get more done if I could stick to just one hobby :o)

But I can't.  And I never will.  At least my fabric dyeing phase is over (for the most part).  You would not believe the messes I made while dyeing fabric.  Badly.  My husband is a very patient man.

This is a black stretch poplin shirt I made for one of my boys many years ago.  When he outgrew it, I took it back since I like the fabric so much.  It makes an excellent canvas for practice silk ribbon embroidery and I have this notion that I'd like to cover the entire thing in embroideries of all different kinds.  It's good practice, and I think it will look pretty neat.  Especially if I don't try too hard.

I do adore the embroidery machines and I'd like to get one some day.  But for me, it would have to be the type where I can download my own artwork to the machine and then have it stitch it out for me.  And those types of machines are prohibitively expensive (at least for me) right now.  Perhaps in a few years I can justify spending that much money on my hobby :o)

In the meantime, I do so love hand embroidery and always have.  I started with the simple stuff when I was in elementary school and I never really quit, just took long leaves of absence from time to time.  I'm in love with the silk ribbon stuff, partly because you'll never get some machine to embroider like that, and also because I have an abiding respect for all handcrafts -- there are so many arts that I don't want to see disappear or get forgotten.

Remember when everybody and her sister could sew?  And knit? And make lace? And embroider?  And quilt?  Not so any more.  I'm just doing my part to keep those handcrafts alive.  And besides, it's fun.  And and excuse to go fabric shopping.  And yarn shopping.  And silk ribbon shopping.  I see a pattern forming here...

1 comment:

  1. Those are so lovely ... where does one find silk ribbon? I'd love a tutorial; ya know, to keep those handcrafts alive? ;-)
